The 2022 Drawdown Challenge kicked off on October 10th allowing our community a chance to join our team and find actionable solutions to climate change. This was the second year for us having a team and working together to make an impact.
The Drawdown Challenge is a solutions-oriented engagement program focused on reducing carbon in the atmosphere. The actions within this challenge connect to solutions highlighted in Project Drawdown's work - research that maps, measures, models, and describes solutions to global warming that already exist. Participants choose actions, complete those actions, and track and share their progress using the online platform. When they check off their completed actions, they earn points and see the real-time impact of their actions. The combination of collective action, camaraderie, and friendly competition makes change a little easier — and a lot more fun.

Our challenge was shortened this year spanning 12 days in October, from the 10th through the 21st. That didn't prevent people from getting involved. It was great to have many returning teammates as well as adding an additional 12 to have 58 participants on our team. Our team was able to compile over 900 actions during the event.
What amazed us the most were the impacts our team was able to accomplish through their actions. Once a team member completed an action, their impacts were automatically calculated and compiled with our team impacts resulting in impressive results. Our impacts from 2022 were automatically added to last year's impacts to show our ongoing cumulative results. Check out what our team has been able to accomplish in the two years of the event.

We did track our impacts just from this year and highlighted the areas that saw an increase. Some areas we felt that were particularly interesting was the amount of time spent learning and the 46 public officials contacted. We were leading up to an election season, so that action was especially important.

A big congrats and thank you to all our teammates who participated in the Drawdown Challenge this year. We are hopeful that by holding events like this, people feel encouraged to learn more about how to take action and implement those action into their lives.