Check out our local green vendors and non-profit organizations who do amazing work in our area! You can find more information and get in touch with them through the link at the bottom of each profile box. Some green vendors & non-profits may have Earth Day events as well. The virtual calendar below shares virtual events during the week hosted by green vendors on their websites or media platforms.
Click a Logo to learn more about Earth Fair supporting local vendors & non-profits!
Jonna Peterson
Consulting, LLC
Helping groups and individuals in La Crosse, Wisconsin and surrounding areas promote the beauty and ecological integrity of lands in their care.
La Crosse
The Food Forest is strengthening our community by creating a space to grow both your physical and mental health.
The Mission: The Community Food Forest at the Y increases access to healthy food in our community through an urban, easily-replicable model.
The Vision: Our community will grow food together, rehabilitate our local ecosystem and provide educational opportunities for healthier residents and families.
Cameron Park
Farmer's Market
​We strive to connect our friends and neighbors to fresh local, sustainably grown and harvested food.
Buy local, eat healthy, and feel great!
La Crosse
Public Library
Earth Day Themed - Storytime Shorts
Facebook Live Monday 4/19 2:30-2:45PM & Friday 4/23 9:30-9:45AM
Earth Day Themed - Family Storytime Facebook LIVE Thursday 4/22 10:30-11:00AM
Library Craft - Letter of the Week is P for Planet and Plant! - Watch Facebook for more info on crafts & pick ups
Coulee Region
Sierra Club
What is the Sierra Club?
The Sierra Club is an international environmental group based in San Francisco. The Club is America's oldest, largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization. Inspired by nature, we work together to protect our communities and the planet.
What is the Coulee Region Group? The Coulee Region Group is your local branch of the Sierra Club. We are an all volunteer organization dedicated to environmental education and conservation. We are one of eight Groups in the Wisconsin John Muir Chapter. We cover La Crosse and the surrounding Western WI area. Click here for a map of our coverage area
Solar on La Crosse Schools
Solar On La Crosse Schools (SOLS) educates, advocates, and fundraises to make solar energy a reality sooner for the School District of La Crosse.
Why Solar?
By displacing fossil fuel energy sources with urgency, SOLS projects will help cut air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, reduce energy costs, and serve as a sustainability learning tool.
Why Schools?
Our school can put to great use the funds that will be saved from paying lower electricity bills in the future! The solar arrays can also be used as a learning tool for students.
Pet Lifeline
Recognizing the healing power of companion animals, the mission of Heart2Heart Pet Lifeline is to keep pets out of shelters and rescues and help owners keep them in loving homes. To that end, we provide financial assistance for veterinary care to income-eligible pet families in need who do not have other options for care. No owner should have to choose between medical care and euthanizing or surrendering a pet.
We are a nonprofit organization hoping to make a difference. We work with Coulee Region Humane Society and other pet rescue organizations, as well as local veterinarians, to identify clients and award grants needed to keep pets healthy and in loving homes.
La Crosse Area
Transit Advocates
Supporting, advocating for, and educating about public transportation in the La Crosse, Wisconsin area.
La Crosse Area Transit Advocates partners with the MTU to highlight the environmental benefits of public transportation, how to do public transportation, how to read the schedules, etc.
Therapeutic Massage
Nancy Melin
Nancy provides Massage Therapy and Craniosacral Therapy sessions or choose a combination of both. Providing both relaxation and therapeutic techniques, every massage can be tailored to the client's particular needs. Nancy looks forward to working with you.
Singing Trees
Singing Trees Farm is a de-colonizaton collaborative land restoration project focusing on sourcing and reintroducing pre-colonial crops back into the American Midwest using feminist cultivation techniques and Indigenous knowledge also many hours are spent bringing native plants back into the area and incorporating them with the cultivated plants. Located in the Wisconsin Driftless Area near the edge of the Kickapoo Water Shed. Singing Trees Farm is woman-owned.
Climate Lobby
Our La Crosse chapter meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of La Crosse, 401 West Ave S, La Crosse, WI.
Due to Covid-19 restrictions, our meetings are currently being conducted virtually using Zoom. Email for the Zoom connection information for our next monthly meeting.
If you live in or near the Coulee Region and would like to actively work for climate change action, we would love to have you join our chapter. You can contact us by emailing We will also add you to our email list for meeting and chapter updates. We look forward to seeing you at a future meeting!
GROW is a nonprofit founded to connect youth to healthy food and nature. We believe healthy minds and bodies are nourished by foods that come from the earth. When youth are exposed to experiential garden-based learning they are more likely to try and incorporate the healthy foods they have had a part in growing and preparing into their diets. This impact makes a difference in the overall health of youth and ultimately our community.
Strive2Thrive Coulee Region & GROW present a virtual reading of
"Worm McWorm and the Decomposers" by Nick Nichols
with a kid's gardening activity.
Opus Bakehouse is a tiny bakery that celebrates local, organically-grown grains, fruits, vegetables, and dairy in an ever-changing lineup of craft pastries, sourdough breads, and other treats. Here in the Driftless we are surrounded by growers producing some of the finest food in the country, and we love celebrating that bounty in our baked goods! We bake and sell our breads and pastries at the Coulee Region Business Center, and we can be found at the Cameron Park Farmers' Market on Saturdays.
Jonna Peterson
Young Living Essential Oils
Vendor Website Coming Soon
Usborne Books & More
with Cat Davis
Our Mission: The future of our world depends on the education of our children. We deliver educational excellence one book at a time.
Earth Day Themed - Storytime Shorts Facebook Live Monday 4/19 2:30-2:45PM
Meet the Sierra Club: More Than a Century of Environmental Advocacy - 4/20 7-8PM (virtual event)
We will give a little background on the Sierra Club and talk about outdoor activities, environmental advocacy, support for environmental education, and ways people can get involved and make a difference through the Sierra Club. Video Playback
Mormon Coulee 4-H Club PFA's Presentation Video Link
Earth Day Themed - Family Storytime Facebook LIVE Thursday 4/22 10:30-11:00AM
Earth Day Themed - Storytime Shorts Facebook Live Friday 4/23 9:30-9:45AM
Solar is Happening on La Crosse Schools Virtual Event Friday 4/23 3PM - REGISTER HERE
During this informal presentation, Amanda Schienebeck from MREA will present about regional and national solar energy trends. Mike Freybler, Energy & Transportation Manager for the School District of La Crosse, will describe the district’s energy efficiency efforts and a 100 KW solar installation at Hamilton Elementary. Find out about opportunities for teachers and community volunteers too!
Ask Me Anything About My EV Event
Saturday, April 24 from 2 to 5 pm La Crosse City Hall Parking Lot
Neighbors talking to neighbors about their own personal EV experiences! Resources will be available for those interested in learning more about buying or leasing an electric vehicle from cars to bikes. The event will be outside in a large parking lot with social distancing and mask-wearing expected